Alex Little - CV

Innovative educational technology professional with a strong foundation in software development. Passionate about advancing research in education technology, excited by the possibilities of learning analytics, machine learning and other tools/approaches to improve learner experiences and outcomes.

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Technical Advisor/Consultant
Self-employed, Finland

  • Product owner for the open source OppiaMobile learning platform
  • Supporting implementation of nationally-scaled mobile applications for health workers in Ethiopia, Uganda and Liberia for their Covid-19 response
  • Providing support and advice for user field testing, analytics and to monitoring and evaluation teams
  • User Centered Design workshops for WHO for developing a Global Dementia Observatory platform

Knowledge Management Advisor
Consultancy role with mPowering Frontline Health Workers, USA

  • Leading development of the ORB platform - for sharing openly licensed health worker training content
  • Strategic support to mPowering's partner organisations
  • Supporting ORB users and organisations in how they can submit and use the content on ORB to deliver effective training programs for frontline health workers

Co-founder and Director
Digital Campus, UK

A not-for-profit company promoting research, innovation and development of learning through technology, focusing on primary healthcare.

  • Successfully obtaining UK AID Direct funding for 3-year project in Ethiopia to train rural health workers using mobile technologies
  • Technical development of OppiaMobile learning platform
  • Responsible for company and project budgeting and finances
  • Liaison and collaboration with NGOs and commercial organizations for partnership and project development

IT and eLearning Project Manager
Universidad de Alcalá, Spain

Advising on and managing the implementation and development of new technologies for rural health workers - part of a joint PhD programme between Alcalá, Mekelle and Maastricht Universities

IT and eLearning Advisor
Mekelle University, Ethiopia

Through a Voluntary Services Overseas placement, managing the implementation of elearning in a challenging environment. Advising on the development of IT infrastructure and training local staff to ensure sustainability.

Lead Developer in Social Software

Leading the development of social software tools as part of the OpenLearn project. Integrating instant messaging, video conferencing and knowledge management tools into the Moodle virtual learning environment.

Senior Developer

Technical development for international, externally funded projects in educational technology, developing research project proposals. Included 2 month placement at Macquarie University, Sydney.


Sept 1996 – July 1997
Postgraduate Diploma - Software Development
Leeds Metropolitan University, UK

Oct 1991 – June 1994
BSc Hons Degree - Mathematics
Leeds University, UK


Sept 2024
Mar 2022
Being an Agile Leader

Feb 2022
Big Data and IoT for Digital Health

Jan 2022
Jan 2022
Cognitive Class - IBM

Oct 2021
Client-Oriented Social and Health Care Services

12-15 August 2008
Training Skills

2-6 July 2008
Skills for Working in Development (SKWID)

June 2008
Improving your Negotiating Skills
Open University, UK

March 2008
Effective Leadership Skills
Open University, UK

25 – 29 July 2005
Web Component Development with Java
Sun Educational Services

Feb – Oct 2005
Understanding Law (W200)
Open University, UK

May 2004 – July 2004
Law, the Internet and Society: technology and the future of ideas (T182)
Open University, UK

Nov 2003 – Apr 2004
Software Development for Networked Applications using Java (M874)
Open University, UK


Medhanyie AA, Spigt M, Yebyo H, Little A, Tadesse K, Dinant GJ, Blanco R

Int J Med Inform. 2017 May;101:9-14. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2017.01.016. Epub 2017 Jan 24

mPowering Frontline Health Workers, sponsored by Qualcomm

This report shares an initial blueprint to create a scalable, locally sustainable, end-to-end content distribution process that uses mobile technology to provide frontline health workers access to relevant health content.

Little A, Medhanyie A, Yebyo H, Spigt M, Dinant G-J, et al. (2013)

PLoS ONE 8(10): e77563. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.00775

Alex Little, Chris Denham, and Marc Eisenstadt (2008)

Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2008(1), p. Art. 2. Available at:

Okada, A., Tomadaki, E., Little, A. and Bachler, M. (2008)

For the handbook Social Software and developing Community Ontology, by IGI group

Weller, M, Little, A., McAndrew, P. & Woods, W. (2006)

ISSN 1436-4522. IEEE Educational Technology and Society

McAndrew, P., Nadolski, R. and Little, A. (2005)

Journal of Interactive Media in Education (Advances in Learning Design. Special Issue, eds. Colin Tattersall, Rob Koper), 2005/14. ISSN:1365-893X

McAndrew, P., Woods, W.I.S., Little, A., Weller, M.J., Koper, R. & Vogten, H. (2004)

Presented at AusWeb 2004, GoldCoast, Australia 3-7 July 2004